Sunday, 5 June 2011

Getting Closer

I'm so easily excited!

Having made my first batch of soaps after getting my certification I have now just cut it and PH tested it with one week to go until it is ready! Just need for it to finish drying so I can wrap it, label it, and I can start selling it! 

Will also spend this week working out how best to take pictures... piccies below, but they are not my best! Sorry!

Friday, 8 April 2011

Moving quickly...

Ohhhh.... I am so excited!  My certification for making my soaps to be legally able to sell them arrived this week!  So so so over the moon!

Saturday, 26 March 2011

So excited!

OK, so I really need to get better at updating my blog!

I thought I would update you all today on how things have progressed with my soaps...

After unmoulding the batch I showed you all I waited for the minimum 4 weeks (couldn't quiet be patient for 6 weeks) and have been really pleased with the results! I was so happy - they lather great and I feel they leave my skin much softer afterwards!

I have now decided to go and get my recipe checked by a lab to have it certified to meet the EU regs.  The company I have found seem very helpful and I can have my base recipe checked and then get them to add essential oils to my certificate as and when I am ready and happy with the tester results... So to start with I have decided to do 1 or 2 variations with essential oils and then the plain one which personally is my favorite!  I am e-mailing the details today (scary and exciting) and then in a couple of weeks I should have my certificate to be able to start making batches to sell to lots of lovely people! So hopefully in 8 weeks (so June time) I will start uploading soaps to sell! I am really pleased with this as I gave myself until October to be up and running so really chuffed that it should be sooner!

Now for the cheeky moment - if any of you would like to be notified when they come on sale, please let me know and I shall send you a little message...

From a very very excited Gem!

Saturday, 22 January 2011

First Batch

Afternoon all...

Well I have finally done it! I've made a batch of soap using my own recipe that I created!

So far I have been using a recipe that I was given on a workshop I attended. I thought it was a good idea to use a tried and tested one for family as Christmas pressies!  I have been using the soap with that recipe for a while now, and thinking about what I like about it and what I would like to have different in the soaps I make in the future...

I loved the lather and the fact it wasn't really soft so didn't dissolve away after a few uses and also the fact it was very natural.  I did however want it to be a bit more creamy and moisturing. I have spent a fair bit of time on soap calculators working out what would work best for me and finally settled on the ingredients and quantities of each. 

On Weds I finally made my soap (using a hand blender than the usual hour whisking by hand) and it turned and went in to the moulds very quickly! I split it in to two leaving half plain and putting oats, honey & lemongrass essiential oil in to the other half!

It has now been unmoulded! The honey bar has gone a amber type colour from the honey that I used and I am pretty pleased with how they have come out looking! Now I just have to be patient (something I'm not very good at) and wait 6 weeks to try them out! Fingers crossed!

Below are some piccies!

Hope you all have good weekends!


Saturday, 1 January 2011


I have finally done it - I must be mad!  

On twitter!  Find me under inalather


Happy New Year

Blimey! Are we really now in 2011 - where does the time go!

Hopefully 2011 will be a productive and exciting year for us all.  I have two New Years resolutions (I haven't done any for the last few years as usually I'm pretty rubbish at sticking to them!) This year I am determined to get In a Lather off the ground, and be better at sending cards and remembering events like birthdays and anniversaries!

To start off I am trying to clearout my card shop on Folksy as I don't really want two running... so have a Jan sale -

I hope you all have an amazing 2011 and the year brings you lots of happiness and exciting things!
